8 Mysteries that’ll whack your brain!

Could you be the next Sherlock Holmes?

M.D. Walters
4 min readJun 10, 2021

Our brain needs exercise every now and then, but will this be a hard one to swallow?

1. The No Homework Mystery

One day, when class was almost finished, everyone was expecting homework, because, that’s how the teacher was. When the school bell has rung, all he said was “Class is dismissed.”

Why did he say that?

Because it was the last day of school, and the teacher wanted to remove tension from the kids. You really made them sigh with relief!

2. The missing files — based on a true story!

One science teacher had all of the Periodic Table of Elements on his blue USB drive. One day, when he plugged in the USB drive, he noticed that all of the files were gone! According to security footage, three people were left in his class: Marl, Mel and Steve. Marl said that she was in the hallway drinking water, Mel said that he was studying for the science test. Steve said that he was looking around for an eraser.

Who wiped the USB drive?

Marl wiped it. Security footage saw that Marl was in the classroom, by the cupboard, where he keeps his important things. Mel and Steve are free, but Marl is in a maul.

3. Terror in the Music Class

One day, a music teacher was getting ready for her class. She had set recorders around the room. The students picked their recorders and started playing away! But one person was pretending that he was playing, right beside his rival! When nobody was looking, he banged his recorder on his head! When the rival screamed “Ow!”, he was at the center of attention! The music teacher’s mind was puzzled. But then, Felicia said that she saw Terry and Matt beside him.

Who went physical and hit the boy?

Remember when I wrote, “right beside his rival?” I gave you a clue! Felicia ordered them in a way if they were left or right. Felicia said Terry on the left side, and Matt was on the right side. Now, who did it? Matt. No more recorders for him!

4. Homework hack

A smart girl was at home, doing her school work on Microsoft Word. But do you want to know what she wasn’t smart at? Passwords. A hacker broke into her computer, and yes, she also wasn’t smart enough to use an antivirus too! The hacker copied her homework and sent it to himself. But when the girl came back, the damage had been done. All she saw was “Sent to MT”. Then she realized that one of her classmates hacked her homework! She thought of different matches: Mark Tubble, who loves writing, Mo Tattle, who loved computers, and Marcie Tam, who loves her schoolwork.

Who is the child hacker?

I gave you what they like for a reason! That too was a clue. Mo Tattle is the hacker. Read him his rights, your honour!

5. Note on the go! (when it’s not supposed to be on the go)

Matt, who you met in Mystery #3, went on an airplane with his Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

What’s wrong here?

Samsung Galaxy Note 7’s are banned on flights, because of… Say it with me now: The battery was explosive. Matt strikes again! Get ready for the law, Matt!

6. Glasses Fiasco

Felicia, who was the hero in Mystery #3, actually wore glasses. Matt is very angry at her and pays revenge on her. One day, her glasses were smashed! Everybody pointed the blame on Matt, but security footage didn’t show Matt starting this fiasco. James, who was beside her drew an apple for her. Jennifer, who was overdue for glasses struggled to see by doing the finger to the nose thing.

Who started it?

Jennifer. She couldn’t see her nose, so her finger was pointing at Felicia’s glasses. She accidentally got her fingers inside the glasses and again, accidentally threw them. She asked the teacher if she could have a drink of water. The glasses were at the door, while Felicia was trying to locate them. Then, you guessed it, Jennifer stepped on it. Now, wasn’t that a hard one?

7. Struggle the Bubble

There was a contest named Struggle the Bubble where you have to make the biggest bubble, but Terry’s (don’t worry, it’s another Terry) bubble looked irregular.

Did he cheat?

He did. He was using a balloon, which expands easily.

8. The secret admirer

Jennifer, who was overdue for glasses in Mystery #6, finally gets glasses. Along the way, she gets a note from her secret admirer! It says: Your face is shining bright, not one hint of grey, whenever I see you, all I say is “Hey” Then, she found out who it was. She thought of John, who likes writing short stories, and Jeff, who was just into comedy.

Who was it?

This references Mystery #4. It was John. That was exactly a short story.

Now which ones were hard? Tell us in the comments! And if you like this, there are more stories below!



M.D. Walters

The person behind the webcomics Good Grief, A witch and her sibling and The Lucy and Peanut Show. Operates & posts on the Good Grief website, and my website.